Usage of email address in Zapfloor

Choose the email address from which your automated emails are sent by utilizing this feature. This allows you to connect a specific email address to a particular location within your organization.

By utilizing this feature, you can select a specific email address to be used as the sender for your automated emails. This allows you to easily connect a particular email address with a specific location within your organization. For example, you can designate an email address like [email protected] to be used for all communications related to your Berlin office. This customization ensures that emails are sent from the appropriate address based on the location, streamlining communication and maintaining consistency within your organization.


All emails sent through Zapfloor are sent from your organization's domain (e.g., This setup is established during the onboarding process with the DNS settings. Once configured, you have the flexibility to assign specific email addresses to send out particular emails. For instance, you can designate [email protected] to send all communications related to your Berlin office. This customization ensures that emails are consistently sent from the appropriate address based on the location, facilitating efficient communication and maintaining organizational coherence.