Updating translations used on invoices

Invoices that are automatically generated from existing orders may contain default translations that can be customized to better suit your needs.

When it comes to changing the translations, there are specific areas within the system where adjustments can be made.

Invoices created from existing orders

Invoices created from existing orders typically display a default translation such as "Invoice for order #{orderID}". If you wish to change this translation, you can navigate to My Center, then access the settings tab, followed by Billing, and finally locate the option for "Invoice of order translation".


Another instance where translation keys can be modified is in the case of deposits, where the default translation is "Deposit" (waarborg). For any adjustments related to deposit translations, it is recommended to reach out to support for assistance.

By making these changes to the auto-generated invoice translation keys, you can ensure that your invoices are tailored to reflect your specific preferences and requirements.