Setting Up Yuki Integration

Everything you need to know about how to configure Yuki in Zapfloor

Yuki is an accounting software primarily for Dutch and Belgian companies. Zapfloor has a two way integration with Yuki where you can sync your invoices to the accounting software and gather payment details at the same time.



1. Yuki account and admin access
2. Yuki Integration in Zapfloor (Please contact your CSM)


How to get admin ID and access key from Yuki.


Finding the API key:

A user with the role of management or back office employee can generate an API key in a Yuki domain. To do this, go to Settings and click on Web Services under Integrations.

When you click on this you can create a domain API key. It is best to leave the Type at "Administration" so that the Administration ID is also visible. However, the Administration ID cannot yet be excluded via the options discussed on this page.


You then also have the option to change the applications to which the API key may have access. However, this is only recommended if you build a link yourself. If you want to link to an existing package, it is best to choose "All web services".

Click on Save on your ten slot and you will see the newly terminated API key with the relevant Administration ID.

You can copy this and paste it into the external package to finalize the link.


Once this is set up you can start syncing your invoices from Zapfloor to Yuki.


Steps to sync invoices to Yuki:

Navigate to Integrations > Yuki

Select the invoices using the check boxes

Use Send to Yuki (right top) to book the invoices into Yuki.

Tip: If invoices are not sent, there's two expected causes:


Getting payment status from Yuki to Zapfloor with below steps:

  1. Invoice is created in zapfloor.

  2. Sent to Yuki using the Yuki integration.

  3. Invoice is set to paid in Yuki.

  4. Over night, payment status will be brought into zapfloor on the invoice.


How to enable getting the payment status from Yuki?

  1. Go to Integrations -> Yuki -> Settings

  2. Enable "Match invoice payments automatic"

Go to Integrations -> Yuki -> Settings

Enable "Match invoice payments automatic"

Every night we will check the invoice payment status and if invoice is marked as paid, we will set invoices to paid and create the payment.

⚠️ Note ⚠️ this only works 1 way, zapfloor gets payment status from Yuki, but Yuki will not receive payment status updates coming from Zapfloor.