Setting up cost centers for ExactOnline

Cost centers are essential tools in Zapfloor that allow you to categorize and track expenses related to specific products or locations in your accounting software.

By setting up cost centers, you can easily manage and analyze financial data associated with different aspects of your business operations.

In Zapfloor, you have the flexibility to define cost centers for various entities, such as products, meeting rooms, and units. You can choose to set a default cost center for all products at a specific location, or you can assign specific cost centers to individual products, which will take precedence over the default setting.


Configuration in ExactOnline

Configuration in Zapfloor

Cost centers, also known as divisions, can be set up in ZapFloor for each location as a default option or tailored to specific entities such as products, meeting rooms, and units.

  1. You have the option to create divisions under "My Center" by navigating to Settings, then Billing.

  2. You have the option to create a division for all products at a specific location as a default setting. If you assign a specific division to a product, it will take precedence over the default division set for all products at that location.