Set up Vecos Lockers Integration

If you offer Vecos Lockers to your members and want to integrate it with Zapfloor, here is how you can set it up.

Pre-requisites that can be found in your Vecos environment:

  • A Vecos API key = To provide access to Vecos

  • SCIM client ID + Client Secret = To allow User synchronization between Zapfloor & Vecos

  • SAPI client ID + Client Secret = To allow Booking synchronization in Zapfloor


Step 1: Request Vecos Integration in your Zapfloor environment

Go to Settings and Available Apps and Vecos and Request, Once this is done ask your Zapfloor Customer Success Manager to approve the request.


Step 2: Activate the Connection in Integrations > Connections > New connection

The follow the below steps:

  1. Connection Application: Vecos

  2. Connection name: provide a name, e.g. Vecos locker

  3. Add SCIM client ID + Client Secret

  4. Add SAPI client ID + Client Secret


Step 3: Set up Unit Type, Unit and Access Group

1. In Settings > Unit Types, create a new unit type called Locker

2. In My Center > Units create each unit for every locker

Example of the name of the unit: 

Name: 'Bank A - A1 '

Tip: give the unit the same locker name as in Vecos

size: 1

Capacity: 1

Type: Locker (the one you just created)

Description: empty

2. Create an access group.

We need to create an access group for all lockers, unless you want to divide access of different lock groups. E.g. lockers that may only be accessible for a specific contract or customer.

For this integration we assumed that lockers will be free.

If you want that lockers may only be booked on the same day, then set Max days in advance enabled true and amount to 1.

3. Add Zone (unit) to Access group. Add the unit as a zone to the access group. This is needed to connect the access group to the unit.

Add rules when it needs to be available


Step 4: Setup Locks synchronisation

Before the integration can be operational, you need to sync all existing locks from Vecos to Zapfloor. You need to go to Integration > Door Access > Locks > Synchronize

This will retrieve all lockers from the Vecos system.

Zapfloor will loop through all lock banks (groups) in Vecos and create for every lock of every bank in Zapfloor. You will see the Lock Banks in Locks appearing after sync.


Step 5: Set up Lock Groups

We need to setup lock groups to map Hot Desks to a locker, because lockers will be booked through the Hot Desk booker.

 Tip: For each locker a lock group needs to be made. Tip: Open the page with Locks (image above) and copy name of each bank before you create a Lock group

Enter the Name by copy pasting the Bank name. E.g. ‘Bank A - A1'

Search for the unit Bank A - A1


Step 6: Assign access group to user

If you have enabled whitelisting on the access group, then you can skip this step, since the locker access group will be enabled for all existing and new users.

If you want to limit locker access to certain users then assign access group on User level


NOTE: At the moment lockers cannot be attached to a subscription


Now you are done, but of course if you need any help please don't hesitate to reach out to us.