See who is currently in the office

End users can easily see who is currently in the office by accessing various locations within the platform. This feature is automatically enabled for all customers utilizing the desk booking module.

By default, users can only see who is in the office within their own team or customer group.

Zapfloor also offers the option to expand the list of attendees to include all teams. You can find instructions on how to grant this permission to your users here.

The list of attending users is sorted by day and does not consider specific timing.

Users can check who is in the office in two different places on the platform, whether on mobile or web, after booking a desk.


The timeline overview displays the user's upcoming desk bookings and offers the option to open a modal showing who will be in the office on the day of the booking.

Bookings overview

Users have the ability to see who will be in the office on the day of their upcoming desk booking.

Booking process

Users have the ability to view who will be present in the office during the booking process.

  • filtered by access groups
  • filtered per zone / office


Do not show attendance of user

Users have the option to choose whether they want to display their presence in the office or not. This permission is requested during their initial login on the platform.

If users wish to change this setting, they can do so by navigating to "my profile" and unchecking the configuration checkbox labeled "show my name in desk booker".

This could potentially create a misleading impression of the number of people attending, as users who choose not to be visible are not counted in the total number of 'attending users'.

Enabling users to see who is present in the office across various teams

To allow users the ability to see who is present in the office across various teams, operator users can grant an additional permission related to the visibility of contacts from all teams.

This functionality can be enabled by navigating to settings -> Roles -> hot desk reservation management -> List reservations of contacts of all teams.