Preventing zero-amount invoices

To avoid the unnecessary creation of zero-amount invoices caused by coupon codes offering free bookings, you can adjust settings to disable invoice generation for such cases.


Coupon codes, particularly those offering free bookings, often lead to the generation of invoices with a zero amount. This creates unnecessary work for the accounting team. You can disable zero-amount invoice generation, thereby reducing the workload of processing such invoices.

How are coupon codes used?

Coupon codes are used to lower the cost of booking meeting rooms or desks on the website. This often results in bookings being free of charge, causing the system to generate an invoice with a zero amount.

How to activate the no-invoice option

The system is initially configured to automatically create and send an invoice to the customer, regardless of the booking amount. To adjust this setting, follow these steps:

Navigate to My Center located in the left menu > Settings > Coupons.


Choose an existing coupon or create a new one to apply the setting. Please note that enabling or disabling this setting will not affect previous bookings made with the coupon. Uncheck the "Send invoice" option to prevent the system from generating an invoice when this specific coupon code results in a zero total amount.

By making this adjustment, when a coupon code reduces the booking cost to zero, the system will not create an invoice.

Remember to inform your accounting department about these changes to ensure alignment with internal processes and reporting.