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Preventing operators from editing customer numbers

Ensuring that operators cannot modify customer numbers is essential for preserving the accuracy and consistency of data in your customer management system.

Preventing operators from editing customer numbers is a crucial step in maintaining data accuracy and consistency within your customer management system. By disabling the ability for operators to edit customer numbers, you can ensure that all customer information follows a standardized flow and remains intact.

To achieve this, you can disable the "edit customer number option" by adjusting the permissions in the operator roles settings. This action restricts operators from making changes to customer numbers in both the Create New Customer screen and the Customer Settings. Go to Settings > Roles > edit all operators roles by selecting a role and going to Permissions.

By disabling the ability to update customer numbers, you can streamline the process of managing customer information and minimize the risk of errors or inconsistencies. This control ensures that customer numbers are created and maintained according to the established guidelines, enhancing the overall efficiency and accuracy of your customer management system.