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Order Products Directly with Your Meeting Room

Order products directly with your meeting room, adjust delivery times, and ensure you get everything you need when you need it. 

Products can be booked alongside meeting room reservations so you can have catering or materials delivered to the room at your convenience. 

For example, with a full-day meeting room booking, you might schedule coffee delivery for 9:00 AM, lunch at 12:00 PM, and a projector at 2:00 PM. 

If these products and services are available with the meeting room you are booking, you will see them listed and be able to select them. This allows you to specify delivery times and quantities, ensuring you make the most of your booking. 

Product Availability

Product availability is set by your center's operators. This means certain products will be available only at specific times during the day or may need to be booked a certain number of hours or days in advance. For example, coffee might be booked 1 hour upfront and lunch 1 day upfront.

Your First Order

Ordering coffee, lunch, or other services is simple. Follow these steps to learn how it’s done.

  1. Book a meeting room as usual
    • Navigate to Meeting Rooms.
    • Click Create to start booking.
    • Choose your desired meeting room and time slot.
    • Fill in the required information to confirm your meeting room booking.
  2. Now choose what you would like to order
    • Once your meeting room booking is confirmed, a prompt will guide you to the marketplace to select products.
    • The general store will display all products available for your selected meeting room.
    • Start by choosing the delivery time using the clock.
      1. Advice: Select products in the order you want them delivered, starting from the earliest desired time to the latest.
    • After selecting all desired products, proceed to checkout.
  3. Review and confirm your order
    • Review your order before confirming.
    • Click Checkout to finalize your booking and product selection.
    • Your order details will be displayed for confirmation.

Would you like to change your order?

  1. Managing Your Booking:
    • You can view and manage your meeting room booking and selected products in the meeting room booking overview.
    • Edit your products or booking details if needed.