Instructions for uploading CSV files

Before uploading CSVs to Zapfloor, it is crucial to carefully review them using the provided checklists. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the data in your CSV files is accurate and formatted correctly for a smooth upload.


Note :

  • Ensure that the number of users in the list matches or exceeds the number of customers, guaranteeing that each customer has at least one user associated with them.
  • If you make edits in Numbers or Excel, remember to export the file as a CSV format to successfully upload it.

Step1: Download the template


Download the template and carefully compare the columns with your file to ensure accuracy. It is important to have only 1 header row in your file.

Step 2: Fill in the template 


For Customer (CSV)


Title  Mandatory  Explanation 

Customer Number (ref)

x The customer number 

Business type (vat, no_vat, private)

X Fill in the right type

VAT number

Depending if vat customer or not. Fill in in this format BE 0XXX.XXX.XXX

International Customer

X Fill in TRUE  or FALSE in capitals. Selecting TRUE means that these customers will not be charged taxes on the invoices you send.

Company name

X Name of the company 

Customer type (member, guest, external)

X Fill in member, guest, or external in small letters.

Address line 1

X The street 

Address line 2

  Extra information regarding adress

Address Number

X The number of the house 

Zip code

X The postal code 


X The City 



If the state information is not relevant, simply copy the city name into the state column.

Country (always use BE, DE,..)

X Fill in in capital letters 

Contact information

   Extra contact information 

Phone (+<landcode><nr>)

  Regular phone number 

Mobile (+<landcode><nr>)

  Mobile phone number 


  Website of the customer 



Public E-mail

  Email address to be used for communication.

Mail invoices to

X email address used for invoices 

KVK number

  For non-Dutch customers, you can leave the KVK number empty.

Note : 

  • Ensure that the number of users in the list matches or exceeds the number of customers, guaranteeing that each customer has at least one user associated with them.
  • If you make edits in Numbers or Excel, remember to export the file as a CSV format to successfully upload it.

For user (CSV)


Title  Mandatory  Explanation 

Customer Number (ref)

x The same customer number as on the customer list, so that the system knows which user belongs to which customer. 

First name

X First name of the user 

Last name

X Last name of the user

E-mail address

X Email address of the user 

Send login? 

X TRUE or FALSE needs to be filled in in capitals.



You can find the language codes for different languages at this link: Zapfloor offers language support in the following options:

- EN for English

- NL for Dutch

- DE for German

- DA for Danish

- FR for French

- ES for Spanish

Mobile (+<landcode><nr>)

  The mobile number of the user 

Date of birth 

  Date of birth of the user 
Unique identifier    Necessary when used with SSO.

Is active?

X When indicating whether a user is active, you can input FALSE if they are not currently active.

Is archived

X When indicating whether a user is archived, you can input FALSE if they are not currently archived.


  If tags are added, you can fill them in here


X To specify the role of a user, simply copy and paste the exact role name from the Settings > Roles section.

Default location 

  For the default location of a user, you can easily copy and paste the precise location name from My Center > Location Details.


Step 3: Upload the CSV

Click on the blue 'upload CSV' button to import the document.