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How to upload a signed PDF to Zapfloor

If your customer has signed a PDF document related to their subscriptions, you can easily upload it to Zapfloor for record-keeping and easy access.

Follow these steps to successfully upload the signed PDF:

Step 1: Navigate to the Customers section, choose the specific customer for whom the PDF is relevant, then go to their Subscriptions and select the appropriate subscription.

Step 2: Click on the 'More' option and then select 'Upload signed PDF'

Step 3: Choose the PDF file from your computer by clicking on the 'Select PDF' button.

Step 4: Locate and select the signed PDF document from your files.

Step 5: Once you have chosen the correct PDF, click on 'Save' to upload it to Zapfloor.

By following these simple steps, you can efficiently upload the signed PDF document to Zapfloor, ensuring that all important subscription-related documents are securely stored and easily accessible.