How to set up pricing for your meeting rooms

Learn how to set up pricing for your meeting rooms

Within Zapfloor, you have the ability to set prices for individual meeting rooms, allowing your customers to easily pay for their usage. For more complex pricing structures, advanced pricing options are available.

Setting up pricing for your meeting rooms

Step 1: Go to My Center and then Meeting Rooms by navigating to the main menu and selecting the option for Meeting Rooms. This will take you to a list of all the meeting rooms available in your workspace.

Step 2: Once you have accessed the Meeting Rooms section, choose the specific Meeting Room that you would like to edit. Click on the room to select it, and then locate the option to Edit Meeting Room. This will allow you to make changes to the details and settings of that particular room.

Step 3: After clicking on Edit Meeting Room, proceed to the Pricing section. Here, you will find various options for setting the pricing structure for the selected meeting room. You can choose to set a price per hour for the room, enable pricing based on different customer types, and even configure advanced pricing options for more complex rate structures.

Pricing options

You can easily set a price per hour for your meeting room, making it simple for customers to pay for their usage. 

Additionally, you have the option to enable pricing based on different customer types, such as members and external users, with separate rates for each.

In the Pricing section, you can also choose to enter a total price instead of an hourly rate, and set a maximum price for the meeting room.

For more advanced pricing options, you can utilize the Advanced Pricing feature, which allows you to adjust the hourly rate based on the number of hours booked. Simply click on the blue + button to add hours and corresponding pricing. Don't forget to save your changes after updating the pricing for your meeting room.

Don't forget to click save at the bottom on the right once you have updated your meeting room pricing.