How to install Teams app 

When setting up the Teams App, it is important to follow specific guidelines tailored to your organization's branding and requirements.

Step 1. Creating Your Teams App

To begin, start by logging into your Microsoft Teams account. Next, navigate to the navigation menu and click on the ellipsis icon. Then, search for and access the "developer portal" to continue with creating your custom app.


2. Fill out the form as detailed below

When preparing to submit your Teams app, which will be private and only accessible within your organization, please follow the instructions detailed below to ensure all necessary information is accurately provided.

App Name

  • Short and Full Name: Enter the name of your workspace or any other name you prefer to display within Teams.

App Identification

  • Generate an App ID: This process is automated. The app ID uniquely identifies your application in the system.

App Version

  • Version: Start with "1.0.0" for your initial submission.


  • Short and Long Descriptions: Clearly describe the purpose and functionality of your Teams app. The short description should be a concise summary, while the long description can provide more detailed information about features and benefits.

Developer Information

  • Developer Contact: Include the details of the department responsible for setting up and maintaining the Teams App. This should include contact information for support queries.

Legal Information

  • Privacy Policy: Provide a link to your privacy policy. Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Use: Include a link to the terms and conditions that users must agree to. Terms and Conditions

Application (Client) ID

  • Specify the Application ID: You must register your app with Azure Active Directory to obtain an Application (Client) ID. This ID is crucial for integrating your app with Microsoft's services.

Additional Setup

  • Microsoft Tenant Configuration: It is necessary to create a new application specific to your Teams app within your Microsoft tenant. This setup is critical for ensuring that the app integrates smoothly with your organization's Teams environment.