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Configure hotdesking for your workspaces

To allow specific users to book a certain desk at a particular time, you can set up hotdesking in Zapfloor. By adding access groups, you can define who can and cannot book certain desks at specific times.

1. Activate hotdesking 

Go to the unit you want to activate the hotdesking for and open it. You will now see the details of the opened unit. When you click on the left menu on desk settings these will open. By activating the 'hotdesking enabled' toggle, you activate hotdesking for this unit. Make sure you click on save changes. 

 2. Create access groups 

 Step 1: Create the access group

At first, you open my center and you click on settings. On the left, you see access groups. On top of this screen, you can add a new access group by clicking on '+ new access group'.

A pop-up appears and you need to fill in all the information. 

Name  This name will be visible to the members 
Description  A clear description that is visible for the operators to keep an overview in your center 
Max days in week  The maximum amount of days a user can book a desk in this access group.
Payment type Here you can select whether this needs to be invoiced or not.
Management approval setup  Here you can select if the manager of the team needs to approve bookings or not.
Priority If you want a group to be booked first, you can set the priority here
Enable max days in advance  By turning this toggle on an extra field appears where you can select the number of days somebody can book in advance
Enable max booking duration  By turning this toggle on an extra field appears where you can select the maximum hours a user can book in this access group.
Whitelist access group for all users When activating this, it means all the users will have access to book in this group.
Assigned zones visible for externals  When activating this, all the externals will have access to this group.
Target bookings per week  Here you can set up a weekly target for your users.
Reminder email before booking  When activating this a reminder email will be sent out regarding the booking
Send weekly overview of upcoming bookings  A weekly overview will be sent out to the users on Friday when they activate this.
Show only when the access profile with the highest priority is 100% occupied When you activate the priority you can activate this which means the part with the highest priority needs to be full before the next part will be shown.

Step 2: Assign spaces to the access group

Click on the zones tab and here you can click on + add zone.

A pop-up opens and via the dropdown menu, you can select the units you want to add. By clicking on the blue add button, it will be added and appear in the list.

Tip: If you accidentally added the wrong unit to the access group. It's no problem, you can simply delete it by clicking on the bin at the end of the line.

Step 3: Create the rules of the access group

You can click on the tab rules. On top, you see the +add rule

A pop-up opens and you can select on what days users of this access group can do bookings.

Week Schedule  The days a user can book a deks
Repeat  When activating this the options for repeating are shown and you can set up your schedule

Step 4: Assign the access group to 1 or multiple users

Once the access group is created, you can either assign it to all users on the location, by enabling whitelisted. (see step 2) or you can assign it to users individually or in bulk.

3. Assign the access group to individual users

At first, select the user you want to assign the access group to by going to contacts and opening the user by clicking on his/her name. On top you see the tab desk booking access profile. Click on this tab.

By clicking on + add access group a pop-up opens and via the dropdown, you can select the group you want to add.

4. Assign the access group to multiple users 

Step 1: Open the bulk editor

Open the contact module and in the right corner click on the arrow next to more, so the dropdown opens up and you can select 'Bulk edit users'. So the bulk editor pop-up opens. 

Step 2: Select the users 

Now you can select the users by clicking the checkboxes in front of their names. Click on the + to add them to the selected list.

Step 3: Assign the access group

Now you can select the access group by clicking on the dropdown menu. The acces groups appear and you can select the one you want to assign the users to.

After that make sure you click on the blue edit button to make sure your changes are saved.