Getting the Most Out of Community Features

The community feature helps your members connect and interact with each other. It’s designed to create a sense of togetherness and keep coworkers connected, even when they’re not in the same physical space.

Whether you’re looking to share updates, create groups, organize events, or communicate important information, this help center article will walk you through each essential task. From adding a post to creating events and sending out push notifications, we’ve got you covered with clear, actionable instructions. Let’s dive in and explore how you can effectively use your community tools to enhance collaboration, keep your members informed, and bring your community together through events.




Mobile app

1. New Post

Step 1: Open the community

  • Go to the left menu of the globe and click on it.

  • You will now see the global feed where you can enter your messages.

Step 2: Write your post 

  • Put the cursor in the text field and you can start writing. Write your message.
  • After your message is finished, you can click on 'post' to make it visible to all your members
Paragraph You can click on this to get more style options 
Headings  Makes it possible to set headings in different sizes
Inline and Blocks  Gives you several options regarding your text
Align  Makes it possible to align your text
... Clicking on the 3 dots gives you more options to set up the text. FE colors, add a link,...
Send mail to all tenants When checking this box a post will be created and the post will be sent to all the members as an email. An extra field shows where you can add a title for your mail.


  • After the text is ready you can post it by clicking on the blue 'post' button. Once that is done, all your members will see the post on their global wall, when they login to their account.

2. Edit Post 

Step 1: Search for the post you want to edit

You can search for the post you want to edit by scrolling down to the right post.

Step 2: Edit the post 

Click on the 3 dots on the right corner of the post and choose the option edit post. The marker appears in the text field and you can start editing your post.

Step 3: Save the post 

Click on the blue 'save' button once your text is ready to publish. After that, the edited text will be visible on the global wall of your members.

3. Delete Post 

Step 1: Search for the post you want to delete

You can search for the post you want to edit by scrolling down to the right post.

Step 2: Delete the post 

  • Click on the 3 dots on the right corner of the post and choose the option to delete the post.
  • A pop-up appears that asks you if you are sure you want to delete this post.
  • Click on OK.
  • The post will now be gone and not visible anymore in the feed of the users. 

4. Notify users via email when a new post is available

We made it possible to create featured posts for your community so that users can receive an email when there is an important message. You can do this by checking the checkbox "featured post". 

  • All users connected to customers with the customer type "member" will receive an email with the details of the post
  • Only the users of the location where you created the post will receive the email

  • The email will be sent out from your user email address (my profile)

5. Create community groups 

Creating community groups allows individuals with shared interests to come together and stay informed. You can create more than one community group.

Step 1: Access the community

  • Open the community on the left menu by clicking on the globe.

Step 2: Create the new community group

  • On the left next to community groups, click on the three dots.
  • Select create a new community group.

  • A pop-up opens and you can fill in the details.
Name  The name of the group. This will be visible to the members.
Description  Gives a clear overview of what this group is about.
Location  Via the dropdown, you can choose the location you want this to be active for.
Public community By activating this toggle, users can ask for access to this group
Auto assign users By activating this toggle, new users will be added to this group
Select image By clicking this button a pop-up opens to select your image for the group.

Step 3: Create the community group

  • To create the community group. You can click on the blue 'create' button.
  • After that, the community will be visible in the left menu under community groups.

6. Edit Community Group 

If you want to change the name or description of a community group, you can always edit it. 

Step 1: Open the community group

  • Open the community on the left menu by clicking on the globe next to social.

  •  After that on the left menu under community groups, open up the group you want to edit by clicking on it.

Step 2: Edit the community group

  • On the right corner next to actions click on the arrow and choose 'edit community' from the dropdown menu.
  • The pop-up to change the things you want opens up.
  • Make the necessary changes.

Step 3: Save the edited community

Click on edit to make sure the changes you've made, will be saved.

7. Delete Community Group

Step 1: Open the community group

  • Open the community on the left menu by clicking on the globe next to social.

  •  After that on the left menu under community groups, open up the group you want to delete by clicking on it.

Step 2: Delete the community group

  • On the right corner next to actions click on the arrow and choose delete community from the dropdown menu.
  • The pop-up gives you a warning and asks if you want to delete the group.
  • You can click yes.
  • The community will now disappear from your list.

8. Add users to a community group

Step 1: Open the community group

  • Open the community on the left menu by clicking on the globe next to social.

  •  After that on the left menu under community groups, open up the group you want to add users to.

Step 2: Add the users 

  • Click on the blue 'invite members' button on the right tip.
  • A pop-up opens and you can check the users you want to add to this group.
  • After you made the selection, click on the invite button.
  • The users are now added to the community group. 

9. Create events 

Step 1: Create an event

  • On the right next to upcoming events you see three dots, you can click on them.
  • Choose "Create event" and a pop-up opens up.
  • After filling in the details, you can click on the "Create Event" button.
  • The event is now created. 
Event name The name of the event 
Start date Choose the start date in the calendar
End date  Choose the end date in the calendar
Venue name  Name of the location where it takes place
Start time The start hour

End time

The configuration of the end-hour 
Address The address of the venue
Repeat event If it repeats, you can select this
Location  For which of your locations do you want this to be visible? You can choose them from the dropdown.
Private event  Private events will only be visible to members who are invited.
Image  If you want to upload an image you can click this and a pop-up opens to select your image.
Ticket URL Here you can add an external link that guides the users to a website.
Description  Here you can add the description of the event.

Step 2: Invite attendees to your event 

  • Once the event is created, you can invite members by clicking on the 'invite attendees' button.
  • Select the users you want to invite and click on 'invite'. 

10. Activate the community in the mobile app

Default the community is visible on the desktop. You might want your users to have access to the community also via the mobile app. You can activate this.

Step 1: Open the community settings

  • Go via My Center to settings
  • Choose in the left menu for communities.

Step 2: Activate the community in the mobile app

  • Activate the toggle 'Show in mobile app'.

Step 3: Save your settings

  • Click on save.

11. Send out push notifications to your users

Step 1: Open the module broadcasting

  • Go via the left menu to the icon of broadcasting and click on it to open the broadcast module.


Step 2: Create the notification 

  • Click on the top of the module on the button "Create Broadcast".
  • A pop-up opens up to fill in.
Customer  By clicking on the dropdown menu you can choose the right customer.
If you leave this empty it will be sent to all the customers.
Specify customer users If you leave this empty the broadcast will be sent to all the users of this customer.
If you want it to be sent to specific users, you can select them here
Title The title of the notification.
Description  The message of the notification


Step 3: Send out the message

  • Click on the broadcast button, to send out the message.