How to cancel an active Subscription?

If you need to cancel a subscription that is currently active, or if you prefer to set a specific end date for the subscription to avoid needing a reminder in the future, you can easily do so in the Subscriptions module.

To access the Subscriptions module and make changes to a subscription, follow these steps:

Navigate to the Customer tab, then select Subscriptions. Locate and open the relevant subscription, and click on the More option found on the Overview page.

After selecting the "End Subscription" option, the system will present you with two choices:

1. End this Subscription now regardless of the billed periods: This allows you to immediately terminate the Subscription.

2. Select a custom date to end this Subscription: Here, you have the flexibility to pick any future date for the Subscription to end. Simply choose the date and confirm your selection.

Subscription Status:

  • Active ✅: Indicates that the subscription is currently running.
  • Cancelled 🟧: Shows that the subscription is still active but will end on a future date.
  • Ended ❌: Represents that the subscription has been terminated after the specified end date.