Having trouble accessing your login information?

If you find yourself in a situation where you didn't receive your login information, fret not! We're here to help you troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Below is a quick guide on what steps to take to ensure you get access to your credentials.

1. Check Your Spam Folder: Sometimes, emails containing login details can mistakenly end up in your spam or junk mail folder. Be sure to check this folder first to see if your login information is waiting for you there.

2. Look Up Email Status in the Platform: If you didn't find the email in your spam folder, you can check the status of the email in our system. Navigate to Settings and click on Email. Use the search function to enter the recipient's email address and see if the email was sent successfully and its current status.

Understanding Email Status:

  • Delivered: The email successfully made it to the inbox, so check your inbox or spam folder.
  • Error: If there was an error while sending the email, please contact our support team for assistance.

3. Immediate Access to Login Credentials: If you have access to view the contents of the email with the login credential, manually provide the username and password to the user or operator for immediate access.

By following these steps, you can quickly address the issue of missing login credentials and gain access to the information you need.