External bookings for meeting rooms and desks via your website

Allow externals to book a meeting room and/or a desk in your center directly from your website.

What is an iFrame?

Let's imagine that you want to allow users to book meeting rooms and desks. You can use iframes to embed booking functionality from a third-party service directly into your website. This way, users can book meeting rooms and desks without leaving your site. Zapfloor will then automatically be updated accordingly.

Here under you will find the HTML tag and steps that needs to be taken in order to create your iFrame for hotdesking or meeting rooms.

  • Step 1 : To activate the iframe, please add this HTML tag inside the webpage

Step 1 : To activate the iframe, please add this HTML tag inside the webpage

<iframe src="https://hotdesking-module.herokuapp.com/?token=YYYYYYYYY&termsandconditions=https://XXXXXXXXXXXX&css=ZZZZZZZZ&redirecturl=WWWW"></iframe>

  • Step 2: You’d need to add your token

Step 2: You’d need to add your token

This token, goes in the YYYYY field. Your token will be delivered to you by Zapfloor upon request.

  • Step 3: Add terms and conditions, and if desired the CSS file and redirect

Step 3: Add terms and conditions, and if desired the CSS file and redirect

You’d need to add your own page with terms and conditions in the XXXX field.

If you want to add your CSS file to enable your own lay out please replace ZZZZZ by your own CSS file (url).

If not you can just delete &css=ZZZZZZZZ from the link above.

Add redirect url, customer goes to this page when payment is done, add URL in WWWW field. So this is optional to set up if you want them to land on a specific page.

iFrame for meeting rooms​

  • Step 1: To activate the iframe, please add this HTML tag inside the webpage

Step 1: To activate the iframe, please add this HTML tag inside the webpage

<iframe src="https://meeting-room-iframe.herokuapp.com/?token=YYYYYYYYY&termsandconditions=https://XXXXXXXXXXXX&css=ZZZZZZZZ&redirecturl=WWWW"></iframe>

  • Step 2: You’d need to add your token

Step 2: You’d need to add your token

This token goes in the YYYYY field. Your token will be delivered to you by Zapfloor upon request.

  • Step 3: Add terms and conditions, and if desired the CSS file and redirect

Step 3: Add terms and conditions, and if desired the CSS file and redirect

You’d need to add your own page with terms and conditions in the XXXX field.

If you want to add your CSS file to enable your own lay out please replace ZZZZZ by your own CSS file (url).

If not you can just delete &css=ZZZZZZZZ from the link above.

Add redirect url, customer goes to this page when payment is done, add URL in WWWW field. So this is optional to set up if you want them to land on a specific page.