Everything to know about ParkHere Integration

Here is how the ParkHere parking integration works with Zapfloor

To facilitate a seamless process for end users to book a parking space at your location and to enable you, as operators, to assign specific parking spots to users we have recently established an integration with ParkHere. The main purpose of this integration is to provide the best user experience with an intuitive user interface and to avoid downloading and operating on different mobile apps for end users.


A bit about ParkHere: By offering a complete parking management service, ParkHere grew into a scale up company rapidly after starting in Munich in 2015. In a short amount of time they grew to more than a 100 corporate clients in the DACH region.


How does the integration with Zapfloor work?

1. On the user side of Zapfloor and on the mobile app if you press the + button you get the option to go into ParkHere as you see below


2. Once the users are in the ParkHere environment within Zapfloor they need to log in with the credentials created by the operators:


3. Once logged in then the user can choose their choice of parking space to book


4. All the settings (like below) for ParkHere have to be configured in the ParkHere environment. 

a. User creation

b. Email with user creation

c. Assign parking spaces

d. Availability of parking spaces (opening hours, days etc)

e. User deletion


Please note: There are no ParkHere settings available in the Zapfloor environment on the operator side, so the set up has to be done in your ParkHere environment