Enable customers to easily reserve a meeting room through your website

Guidance on integrating an iframe to facilitate meeting room reservations on your website, streamlining the process for your clientele.

Step 1: Log in and Go to My Center > go to Meeting Rooms and click on Edit for a specific meeting room

Step 2: Go to Settings, Enable 'Allow external bookings' and scroll down to click on Save

Step 3: Then once that is done, go to Pricing and Enable different pricing per customer types

Step 4: Now you can click on Externals and then put in your price for the meeting rooms per hour and hit Save

Step 5: After this is done, the next important step is for you to connect your Stripe account. For that please refer to this article-


Step 6: Now you have to get in touch with us at Zapfloor to receive your token for the Iframe.

Step 7: Once you have the token, to activate the Iframe, please add this html tag in your webpage-

To activate the iframe, please add this HTML tag inside the webpage:

<iframe src="https://meeting-room-iframe.herokuapp.com/?token=YYY&termsandconditions=https://XXX&css=ZZZ&redirecturl=WWW"> </iframe>

or short version, without CSS:

<iframe src="https://meeting-room-iframe.herokuapp.com/?token=YYY&termsandconditions=https://XXX&redirecturl=WWW"> </iframe>

  • You’ll need to add your token in the YYY field.

  • You’ll need to add your own page with terms and conditions in the XXX field.

  • (Optional) Language selector: code in URL. Example, Dutch: https://meeting-room-iframe.herokuapp.com/nl

  • (Optional) To add custom CSS (lay out): after terms add "&css=ZZZ" to the URL. Replace ZZZ by you own CSS file (url) to enable your own lay out.
    Don't want to use this? Just delete “&css=ZZZ” from the example above.

  • Add redirect url, customer goes to this page when payment is done, add URL in WWW field. This is often a kind of thank you page, that also helps with tracking the success in Analytics.

Voila! Now its possible for your customers to book a meeting room from your website!