Edit an order

Modify a customer's order information, such as adjusting the price, quantity, discount, or order date.

When modifying a customer's order information, you have the ability to make various adjustments to ensure accuracy and meet the customer's needs. This includes changing the price of items, updating the quantity ordered, applying discounts if applicable, or even adjusting the order date to accommodate any necessary changes. By carefully editing these details, you can provide a seamless and personalized experience for the customer.

Navigate to the "Customers" section in the system and select the specific customer whose order information you need to modify. This step is crucial in ensuring that you are making adjustments to the correct customer's order details.


Navigate to the "Orders" tab after selecting the customer to access all orders linked to that customer. This feature enables you to quickly pinpoint and select the specific order you wish to edit, utilizing the magnifying glass for accuracy.



Click on the "Edit Order" button to access a detailed view of the customer's order. Here, you can make all necessary modifications, such as updating product details, changing quantities, applying discounts, or adjusting the order date. Ensure to review all changes carefully before saving to provide accurate and personalized service to the customer.



Once you have reviewed and made all necessary modifications to the customer's order, ensure to click on the "Save Order" button to confirm and save the changes. This action finalizes the updates made to the order information, ensuring that the customer's preferences and requirements are accurately reflected. By saving the order, you are securing the details and ensuring a seamless transaction process for both the customer and your business. Remember to double-check all changes before saving to guarantee accuracy and provide top-notch service to the customer.