Delivery (package/letter) notifications

Enable notifications for package/letter deliveries through the visitor app to stay informed when a delivery has been completed.

What is a delivery?

If you have the visitor manager feature enabled in your subscription, you can easily communicate about package and letter deliveries using Zapfloor.

New delivery

When a postman delivered a package, he can announce it in the reception app for a specific user or when he don't know the name for who the package is, he can also announce just a package for an unknown recipient.

  1. Outgoing email about package delivery for known recipient:
    - mail/push notification is going out for the recipient of the package (email key: postal_delivery.recipient_after_delivered)
    - mail is going out for all operator users that a package is delivered (email key: postal_delivery.operator_user_known_recipient)

  2. Outgoing email about package delivery for unknown recipient: mail/push notification is going out to all assigned operator users who are not unsubscribed (email key: postal_delivery.operator_user_unknown_recipient)

When front-desk announce a package/letter through platform

Outgoing email about package delivery for known recipient: mail/push notification is going out for the recipient of the package


When front-desk changes the status of delivery to "delivered"

Outgoing email to recipient: by changing the status of the delivery to "delivered" we automatically send an email to the recipient to thank him (email key: postal_delivery.recipient_after_picked_up)

E-mail templates

All mails can you easily update at settings > mails > templates. Keys are added above.