Creating and managing custom fields

Custom fields are extra fields that you can create to gather additional information beyond the standard fields provided in zapfloor. These custom fields can be tailored for contacts, customers, visitors, products, leads, units, locations, and more.

You can find the custom fields tab in Settings > Custom fields

NOTE: If you can't see the custom fields tab, you'll need the permission to be added to your operator role.

Within the Custom Fields tab, you can look at existing fields and create new ones:

  • You can click on the create button to create a new custom field

You can click on the create button to create a new custom field

  • Label will be the name for your field.

  • Select the type of field it is, you can choose between number, text or select field.

Label will be the name for your field.

Select the type of field it is, you can choose between number, text or select field.

  • Select for what resource the field is, you can choose between customer, user or visitor.


  • When selecting customer or user field, you can link the field to a pdf field. When you use this, please follow these steps to enable.


  • Adding a description will give the field a tooltip that will display the description.


  • Toggling the required switch will make the field mandatory or optional.

Select for what resource the field is, you can choose between customer, user or visitor.

When selecting customer or user field, you can link the field to a pdf field. When you use this, please follow these steps to enable.


Toggling the required switch will make the field mandatory or optional.

  • Toggling the Appears in Lobby App switch will make the field be displayed on the lobby app (related to visitors, customers, users).

    • Toggling the Appears in create pages switch will make the field be displayed in the form while creating specific resources (for example when creating an user)

  • Per custom field you can define if they should be visible in the create form. This feature allows you to not overwhelm the create form with data which is not important. For example when our customer want specific important data filled in during the create process while having lot of other optional data available in the detail form.


Custom field groups

You can organize your custom fields in groups to have a clear overview of topics. You can create these in Settings > Custom fields at the bottom of the page.