Create lock groups in Zapfloor with ID Tech integration

Link ID Tech locks to lock groups in Zapfloor, enabling automated access control management for your customers.

How to Create Lock Groups in Zapfloor

  1. Navigate to Integrations > Door Access > Lock Groups.

  2. Create Lock Groups:

    • In this section, you can create lock groups that are connected to actions in Zapfloor, such as:
      • Access based on standard contract: General access for all users with a standard contract.
      • Access based on unit in subscription: Access tailored to specific units in the subscription.
      • Access based on meeting room bookings: Access for meeting room reservations and associated visitors.

Setting Up Lock Groups

  1. Start with Standard Contract Types:

    • Go to Integrations > Door Access > Lock Groups and click Create Lock Group.
    • Choose the standard contract type and assign the necessary locks for users with this contract, such as front doors, parking garages, and general building routes.
    • Complete the setup by specifying the name, related resources, and associated locks for each group.
    • This setup for standard contract types will simplify future setup for units.
  2. Access Based on Unit:

    • Create groups for specific units, such as private floors or offices.
    • Go to Integrations > Door Access > Lock Groups and click Create Lock Group.
    • Create a group for each private office and specify the relevant locks for each unit.
    • Again, complete the setup by specifying the name, related resources, and associated locks.
  3. Meeting Rooms:

    • Create a lock group for each meeting room, including all necessary locks.
    • Follow the same process as before: go to Integrations > Door Access > Lock Groups and click Create Lock Group.
    • For each meeting room, complete the setup with a name, related resources, and associated locks.

By setting up these groups effectively, you can efficiently manage access for your customers based on different scenarios.