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Create groups for desk reservations

Creating groups in the desk booker allows for improved collaboration and the ability to work together on specific days.

To create a group, click on the "Add Group" button. Next, provide a descriptive name for the group that accurately reflects its purpose. Then, use the "Add more +" function to select the users you wish to include in the group. Once you have added all the users, click on the "Create" button to finalize your selection. This step is crucial in organizing users and assigning desks for collective use within your workspace.Creating groups in the desk booker allows for improved collaboration and the ability to work together on specific days. By creating groups, you can easily organize users and assign desks for collective use. To get started, navigate to the Desks section and click on the + Create button. Under Reservation For, click on + Add more to begin creating groups.

In the groups section, click on Add Group to create a new group. Give the group a name that accurately reflects its purpose, and then use the Add more + function to select the users you want to include in the group. Once you have added all the users, click on Create to finalize your selection.

With your group created, booking desks for the entire group at once becomes a simple task. This feature is particularly beneficial for projects or fixed teams, allowing for streamlined coordination and reservation of desks. Start utilizing this functionality to enhance collaboration and efficiency within your workspace.

To create a group, click on the "Add Group" button. Then, provide a descriptive name for the group that accurately reflects its purpose. After naming the group, utilize the "Add more +" function to select the users you wish to include in the group. This step allows you to easily organize and assign desks for collective use within your workspace.


Additionally, by booking desks for the entire group at once, you can save time and ensure that everyone in the group has a designated workspace. This feature is particularly useful for projects or fixed teams where members need to work closely together. It streamlines the reservation process and enhances collaboration within your workspace. So, take advantage of this functionality to improve efficiency and teamwork in your workspace.