Create and send a quote

Learn how to create and send a quote for an opportunity (deal) using the lead manager feature in zapfloor.

In the lead manager feature of Zapfloor, you can easily create a quote for an opportunity or deal. This feature allows you to streamline the process of generating quotes for potential clients or customers.

By following a few simple steps, you can quickly create a professional and customized quote that includes all the necessary details. Let's walk through the process together.


These steps are taken if you'd like to create an 'ad hoc' quote. 

Step 1: Go to Leads


Step 2: On the Deals board, select the opportunity you'd like to create a quote for:


Step 3: On the deals page, scroll down and click on Create Quote


Step 4: Now you can fill in all the necessary details like:

  • date of quote and valid until,

  • contact person,

  • message to be included in the quote

  • and assets, being the products that you are offering.


    Then click on the Create button.


Step 5: Once you have created the quote, you can download or edit or send it. The quote will be sent to the contact person that you selected.