Create an invoice for a specific time period in a subscription

Create an invoice for a specific duration.

  1. Go to the Customer > Subscriptions > Billing > Actions > Manual Billing 

Once you click on Manual Billing, you get the screen below.

Now you can an invoice by selecting one or multiple months and click Confirm.

NOTE: The checkbox Combine in one invoice allows you to charge for multiple months in one invoice.

However, there's more options on this page:

1. You can choose a month/months for which you don't want to create a draft invoice for, but just let the system know that this period has been billed already, for example in another invoicing software.

You select the months that don't need to be invoiced anymore and then tick the box: Set status to billed without creating invoice.

2. You can create a deposit invoice while you are creating an invoice here, by ticking the box: Create deposit invoice.

3. You can also use a custom invoice date
Just select a month and a custom invoice date that you want the invoice to be booked on.

NOTE: Only works when invoice is sent with custom date.