Connecting customers in zapfloor to Exact Online

In Exact Online, information related to each customer, supplier, suspect, or prospect you work with is stored in accounts which you can compare with Customers in zapfloor.

These accounts are separated into different types that depend on the role of the company or individual with whom you work. There are four types of accounts but we can only work with accounts with the type of Customers.

When you are starting using zapfloor and already use ExactOnline, the customer in zapfloor need to be linked to the customer in ExactOnline to make sure no double customers will be created.

Before zapfloor creates a new customer in Exact Online, we first validate if the customer does already exist on the following attributes (Status: Customer):

  1. VAT number (scrnshot: *1)

  2. Customer number (Code) (scrnshot: *2) - 100% unique

VAT number (scrnshot: *1)

Customer number (Code) (scrnshot: *2) - 100% unique

If a match exists, the zapfloor customer will then be linked to the Exact customer and the sales entry will be pushed.

  1. Add the VAT number to the customer in Exact Online

  2. Go to integrations -> ExactOnline -> "Exact Accounts Overview"

Add the VAT number to the customer in Exact Online

Go to integrations -> ExactOnline -> "Exact Accounts Overview"

  • You will see of all customers in ExactOnline


You will see of all customers in ExactOnline

  • When you click on (1), you can assign the zapfloor customer to the Exact Online customer

  • When you want to unlink the zapfloor customer from an ExactOnline account, click on (2)

When you click on (1), you can assign the zapfloor customer to the Exact Online customer

When you want to unlink the zapfloor customer from an ExactOnline account, click on (2)

Customer numbering

When a new customer in zapfloor is created, a new customer number will be generated by zapfloor (sequence). Customer numbers are unique in for both platforms but ExactOnline does not allow different sequences for suppliers which makes it different to keep the customer numbers equal in both platforms.

Use Search Code instead as reference between zapfloor customer number and Exact Online.