Configure your workspaces

A workspace refers to a specific area or space that can be rented or allocated to individuals or businesses. In Zapfloor this is refers to as a unit. We will explain you which unit types you can have and how you can add them.

1. Start configuring your workspace by defining the unit types

At first, we need to define the different workspaces. This is to make sure the right workspace shows up when you enter your subscriptions or access groups.

  • Go via settings to the unit types and click on 'add new unit type'

  • A pop-up opens
Unit type name  The name of the unit type (FE private desk)
Contract type  The type of contract you want to offer this unit with
Public hotdesk Makes it possible to activate the workspace to be bookable as a desk
Iframe  Makes the unit type visible for external bookers on your website


2. Add the units to the platform 

Step 1: Add the new unit

Go via my center to the tab units and click on 'add new unit'


Step 2: Fill in the unit details

Here you can enter the unit details. After that click save.

Workspace name The name your users will see when they book the unit. FE a desk.
Size The surface (m2 or ft) of the unit
Capacity The number of people that can be in the unit
Type  The unit type you want this space to be part of  (FE private office)
Description  Description about the unit and amenities

Step 3: Add the details 

In the next step, you can add extra details regarding the unit

Journal code  The journalcode linked to your accounting 

The different features available in the workspace. FE beamer, big screen, ...

 Priced per person  If you want to set up a price per person instead of per workspace, you can do it here.
Price The price per booking for this workspace
External product number  If you have a separate number in your accounting you can fill it in here
Product Group  If you have a number of a productgroup you can add it here
VAT rate  The VAT rate calculated on this workspace


Step 4: Add the pictures


You can simply add pictures by clicking on the + and choosing the right pictures. After that, you click on the blue 'save changes' button.


Tip: When you add more pictures, bookers will see them all on the member page or website and have a clear view of what they are booking.