Configure user- and operator permissions

In the Zapfloor platform, roles are used to define the level of access and permissions a user and operator has within the system. This helps in managing and controlling the actions users can perform.

1. The difference between a user and an operator


In the context of the Zapfloor platform, the terms "user" and "operator" refer to different roles involved in the use and management of the platform. Here's an explanation of the key differences between a user and an operator:

User  Can book a desk or a meeting room, announce a visitor,...
Operator  Is managing the back end of the platform 

    2. The 4 default roles


    Zapfloor is delivered with 4 default roles. Two roles for the users and two for the operators. Here we will briefly explain the differences so you have a clear view of who can do what in the system.



    Back-end Zapfloor Operator 


    Admin account (operator admin)  X  
    Basic account (operator) X  
    Admin user (tenant admin)   X
    Basic user (tenant)   X

        Permissions can be customized according to your business but ideally financial and sensitive information can be hidden from the basic operator.

        3. How do roles work? 


        Part 1: The roles and their details 


        In the context of Zapfloor, a "role name" refers to a specific user role within the system. A user role defines a set of permissions and responsibilities that determine what actions a user with that role can perform. The role name serves as a convenient and recognizable way to refer to and differentiate between various roles within the system.

        Role name Typically short and descriptive 
        Descriptions  Defining a clear description is crucial for effective user management within the system. It helps administrators assign appropriate roles to users based on their responsibilities.

        Part 2: The role permissions


        Defining role permissions involves specifying the actions and functionalities that users assigned to a particular role can perform within Zapfloor.


        You can always edit roles and permissions but please be aware that this can disrupt the UI and UX of the users/operators if done incorrectly

        4. Getting started by activating the roles 

        Step 1: Go to the settings in the black menu on the left 

        Step 2: Open the tab 'roles' 


        Step 3: Make sure you see the roles per location 


        Step 4: Activate the roles 

        Make sure you select the 4 default roles and click on the blue button 'add selected'.

        5. Create extra roles and manage existing ones  

        Step 1: Create the role


        Via the module settings and the tab roles, you can reach the right place to add a new role. Simply click on + New role and a pop-up opens. Fill in the details. For a small explanation, you can go to chapter 3 of this article. Make sure you select the right location. If it's a role for an operator turn the toggle 'operator role' on. By clicking on the blue create button, the role will be added to your list. 

        Step 2: Activate the permissions 

        Once the role is created, you have to decide which permissions you want to give this role. You can do this by simply clicking on the role to open it. You will see the details tab and next to it, the role permissions tab. Open this role permissions tab.

        You will get an overview of the different permissions and now you can check or uncheck the ones you need.


        By clicking on the dropdown in front of the permission group it opens the sub-actions you can enable for that group.
        By checking the 'group enabled' square, you will activate the complete permission at one time.

        6.  Share permissions across locations 

        If you have several locations and you would like to share the permissions from another location, it can be done in 1 click. 


        Caution : Understanding that permissions for a role are uniform across all locations is crucial. So be aware that any change you make in the permissions will be activated for all the locations. 

        Step 1: Go to the roles per location 

        Open the tab roles and click on 'view roles per location'.


        A pop-up opens and shows the different roles per location. 

        Step 2: Add the role to your current location 

        Check the role you want to add to your current location and click on the blue button 'add selected'. The role is now activated in your current location.

        7. How to export roles 

        To have a quick overview of the permissions of a role, it is possible to make an export of the roles. 

        Step1: Exporting roles 

        In the roles tab next to view roles per location, you see the arrow to click on. After clicking that a dropdown appears where you can choose in which format you want to export the roles. Simply click on the right format to export.