Configure the products of your center

Products are additional amenities that operators offer to tenants. Products like catering, audio-visual equipment, ... can be bought via regular marketplace orders or via meeting room reservations to enhance the user experience.

1. How to configure a new product

Step 1: Go to the product module

Go via my center and then click on the products tab.

Step 2: Create a new product

In the tab on the left, click on + new product.  The pop-up to create a new product opens up.

Step 3: Add the product properties

3.1 The Basic details to fill in

Product code    The name of the product
Type  Product  A normal, purchasable product (FE. drinks, pens,..)
  Bookable product  A time dependent product (FE. beamer, flip chart,..)
  Bookable service  A time dependant service (FE. administrative services)
  Monthly service A service that can be automatically added to the invoice (FE. extra furniture, cleaning) via the subscription
  Virtual office A virtual product that doesn't describe a physical place. It can be a membership or a virtual address. This is added instead of a unit, to subscriptions that are virtual.
  Advance invoice  ???
  Discount product  ???
  deposit product ???


  Decide in which category this product is for reporting purposes.
Description    A longer explanation that gives extra info on the product.  
Price   The default price for the product. You can still change this wherever you use the product.
Vat rate   The Vat rate
Vat code    ????


3.2 When you are using an integration 

Product Group

These are used for accounting integrations. Enough info ????
Journal code  These are used for accounting integrations. Enough info ????

Tip:  If you enable the indexation toggle, you make sure that if the product is attached to a subscription, it will be indexed together with the unit. 

Step 4: Save product

By clicking on the blue create button, the product is added to your product list. 

2. How to add products from one location to another

Go via my center to the tab products.

Click on the view products per location. The products will open in a new tab. Check the ones you want to activate on the current location and click on the blue 'add selected' button on the right, on top of the tab. 

3. How to configure an availability for your products

It is possible to make products bookable only for a certain period before usage. You can set this up in the tab availability. Open up the product you want to set this up for and next to details you see a tab availability. You can open that by clicking on it. 

Minimum time ahead  The minimum time you want users to book this product ahead.
Maximum time ahead  The maximum time you want users to book this product ahead.
Cancelable until  The time your users have to cancel this product
Schedule  ????

4. How to add products to a meeting room 

Maybe you want certain products to be bookable with a specific meeting room. This is possible by adding the products to that meeting room. In that way, your bookers can book the products in that meeting room.

Step 1: Open the meeting room 

Go via my center to the meeting room and open it. Click on the edit button to add the products. On the left menu of the tab, you see the products button. You can click it so the pop-up opens.

 Step 2: Add the products

By clicking on the arrow next to add product, you will get the dropdown which shows you all the products you can choose from.

Select the product you need and click on the + at the end of the line. The product is now added. To finish click on the save button. The product will now be visible for your users to book with this meeting room.

Tip: If a product is not in the list to select from, add it in the product tab, see step 1 of this article.