Configure the incidents manager

Incident management enables your customers to report issues to you through Zapfloor. This empowers them to address concerns such as Wi-Fi connectivity, air conditioning, or any other matters that require attention from the reception.

1. Introduction


In this article, we dive into the process of setting up your incident module. This module serves as a channel through which tenants can promptly inform the management of any issues they encounter, categorized into distinct types for streamlined handling. The incident module allows tenants to communicate their concerns effectively, ensuring that they are promptly addressed by the relevant departments.

Join us as we explore the details of configuring your incident module.

2. Setting up your incident categories


Step 1: Create incidents category


When setting up your incident module, you have the flexibility to create categories that you believe are most relevant for your coworking space and its tenants. You can easily add or remove categories as needed to improve incident handling.

To add your categories go to My Center in the left menu > Settings > Incidents then click on Create category 



Step 2: Fill in the required details 


Enter the required details to create your category, after which it will be available on the user interface. Users can then utilize these categories to classify the incidents they are reporting.


Name  The name of the incident
Icon category Select via the dropdown menu the category of the incident
Email addresses from the receivers You can just enter the email address of the person who needs to receive an email when an incident is notified in this category. For instance, Wi-Fi issues may be directed to the IT manager for prompt resolution.


If you're unsure about which names to create, here are some ideas inspired by our current customers:

- Wi-Fi
- Printing
- Coffee
- Kitchen
- Furniture
- Elevators and stairs
- Lighting and electricity
- Doors and windows

Step 3: Add the category


Click on the add button to make sure you add the category.

3. Enable incident reporting via the mobile application


If you intend to extend this function to tenants utilizing the mobile app, remember to activate the toggle labeled "Visible in the mobile app." This ensures that tenants can conveniently report incidents using their mobile devices. 

This toggle can be found under the incident categories in My Center > Settings > Incidents 

4. Test the incident module configuration


Once you have set up your incident categories, it is essential to test the system to ensure that everything is working correctly. This step allows you to confirm that incidents are categorized and routed to the appropriate departments for resolution.

Step 1: Log in as a user 


Navigate to the user interface and access the support ticket creation section by clicking on the plus sign located in the top right corner. From there, choose the option to "create a support ticket".


Step 2: Create an incident


Enter all the necessary information and then click on the "create" button located at the bottom of the page.


Step 3: Verify on the operator interface if the incident was properly received.


Sign in as an operator and check if the incident has been received in the correct category. Navigate to the incidents module on the left-hand side to view and confirm the presence of the incident.