Configure meeting rooms

A meeting room is a designated space within a facility or office where individuals or groups gather to collaborate and exchange information.

1. Configure the meetingrooms 


Step 1: Go to My Center and then Meeting Rooms

Step 2: Click on Meeting Rooms and then click on New Meeting Room, once all the details are filled create

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Step 3: Once the meeting room is created, then you can add further details to the main page along with adding pictures:

Some important points:

  • Business hours: Make sure you give you meeting room some business hours otherwise it will be impossible to book meetings there. Ideally one line of business hours should be for Guest (external bookers) and one for Member customers (when the Guest toggle is off)

  • Products: These products are available when making a reservation for this meeting room.Once you've added a product, you can check the Allow Custom Quantity box. If you check this, you can adjust the amount of this product when you book a meeting room. 


Step 4: Please make sure that if you make changes to the pricing this will affect all future bookings.