Add a new Subscription for your customer

Subscriptions enable monthly invoicing based on standard contracts. Entering them correctly allows you a smooth monthly billing.

1. Introduction 

Subscriptions form the basis for your monthly invoicing and represent the connection between you and the customer. This includes the specific offices and services that you want to bill each month.

2. Entering subscriptions 


Step 1: Go to the customer 


Go to the "Customers" section in the left menu and open the module. Then, select the customer to whom you want to add a subscription. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the customer file, and then navigate to the "Subscriptions" tab.

Step 2: Create the subscription 


Click on the '+ Create Subscription' tab on the top left of the page. The module will open.

Step 3: Enter the details of the subscription 


Templates  Select the template you want to use by clicking on it
Start date  Start date of the subscription  
Duration  Select the duration from the dropdown
End date  The end date will be filled in automatically
Billing frequency Select from the dropdown 
Pay in advance Select your payment terms
deposit  Fill in the deposit 
Auto-renew When activating this the subscription will be renewed on the end date
Document language  Choose the language for the pdf of the subscription. Make sure you select a language that exists in your templates.
Notes  Here you can add notes regarding the subscription.


When filled in, Click on the blue next button to continue 

Step 4: Add the units and the monthly service


Units  Select the units you need to be in the subscription 
Monthly services  Add the monthly services 
Credits  If you want to add credits/hours or coins you can do it here 
Users  You may choose to skip the user list if this subscription is specific to certain user(s) rather than all users under the customer account. The selected user(s) will be included in the access group if access integration is utilized.


After that, click on the blue next button to continue 

Step 5: Review the subscription 


An overview of the subscription will show and once you verified you can click on the blue create button and it will be created.